Lee Reimers
a pro actor on enCAST
location: Zürich, Switzerland
I'm a traveler, a Jack of many trades, lover of culture, languages and much of what the world has to offer in terms of authentic traditions and ways of living.
Demo: Out of the shell
Von der Wiege bis zur Bah
Film & theatre work
Lee Reimers , playing ages 28 to 38, male.

I am very much into languages and accents, which I am yet far away from learning all of I find interesting and necessary in todays world. Instead I opted to perfect the languages I grew up with. 

I am 5'10, caucasian although some folks say I have a mediterranean touch, while North Americans tend to think I am one of their own. I weigh 88kg, am semi-athleric, since I dable in Martial Arts, yet also spend plenty of time immersed in literature. The most affordable way to travel.

I currently don't have an agent, though I am seeking representation.

Documents & Licences
  • EU/EEA/EFTA Passport
Sports: martial arts, horse riding
Singing: jazz