Searching for Actors

You can find all our actors here: Search Actors.

When you first visit the page it will show you a selection of Verified Actors on our site, but you can easily search the system to find the actors you want.

At the top of the search page (and in other locations on the site) you will find the Quick Search form:

quick search

Simply select either a LANGUAGE or LOCATION or GENDER and the page will refresh with those filters applied.

Most searches will be more complex, however. The ADVANCED SEARCH form is at the bottom of the Search page and looks like this:

advanced search

Most of the fields are self explanatory. However:

  1. LANGUAGES – after you’ve selected more than one language, in the button below you can choose if the actor should speak ALL of these languages or just ANY of them

  2. LANGUAGE LEVEL – this is usually best left to ANY LEVEL, however if you choose NATIVE please remember this has been classified by the actor themself and not an independent reviewer

  3. DOCUMENTS – you can choose more than one here

  4. FREE TEXT – this searches the actor’s city, sports, dance skills, musical skills and so on along with their biography, etc. Important: this searches for ALL the words you include here so if you put berlin ballroom it will return only actors who are in Berlin AND have ballroom skills. It is usually best to restrict this field to one word or phrase.

How are search results displayed?

Whenever you make a search for actors on the site, we will show the results like this:

  1. Verified Actors – an actor who is verified has a good level of experience and professionalism in the industry; they have (often many) more than 10 IMDB credits with decent productions under their belt; their profile is professional, with good headshots, a showreel with examples of their recent work, and more information
  2. Pro Actors – these actors have a lot more on their profile where you will likely find a selection of headshots, showreels, and so on; they might not yet have the experience of a Verified actor, but they are committed to the industry and working hard in their acting careers
  3. Other Actors – other actors who fulfil your search criteria

You will be able to click on the picture or name to visit the actor’s profile. Also shown is the actor’s location.

If you have searched for a language, and the actor has included a sample of them speaking that language in their profile, this will also show up so you can listen to them.

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