ENGLAND: actors (m) 18-30, English spkrs, for theatre in Sheffield [P]

ref # 254482

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Theatre Audition: 100 Not Out
production type: theatre
pay: paid

looking for:
based in/around: England

about the project

Theatre Audition for '100 Not Out', a commissioned play from the University of Hallam in Sheffield.

‘100 Not out’ is about a friendship between a 100 year old woman and a younger transgender student. It is a script in hand performance.

Rehearsing from 11.00 am with a [Pending Approval] pm on the day.

Performance date Wednesday 26 June in Sheffield.

Salary: £100.00 for an estimated 6 hours of work (flat rate) Plus reasonable transport costs in the UK.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 18 - 30
role languages: English
ROLE: Danni, a Trans Male
m, 18 - 30, must be able to read fluently and quickly from a prepared script.
Danni was abandoned on a bus some 20 years earlier. She is now an undergraduate and sent to interview a woman of 100 (a former circus performer). They develop unexpectedly a close bond where they share many stories of unexpected similarities in their background.