Emily Schmellerverified user
a pro actor on enCAST
location: Munich, Germany
languages: English, French, German
I find language and accents as expression of identity the most interesting. It marks my art.
German scene from CARE:Y
English Showreel 2023
Emily Schmeller, playing ages 24 to 36, female.

Ivana Chubbuck Studio L.A. (ongoing)
Paul Haggis: Masterclass Berlin
Susan Batson: Masterclass Berlin
Kirk Baltz: Meisner and Method Acting
Nancy Bishop: Berlinale Audition Masterclass
Dunja Tot: Chekhov Training
Jim Walker: Meisner Training
Playhouse Salzburg: Diploma in Dramatic Arts

Special Skills
Horseback riding (very good), stage combat (good), waltz and standard dance (good), aerial dance (good), pole dance (good), climbing (beginner), singing (semiprofessional, soprano: soul, pop, rock, jazz, folk); German (native), French (good), accents: German, Austrian, Russian, Polish, RP, American (last two with European accent), German/Austrian dialects (Bavarian, Viennese etc.) and carriage driving (good)!

Contact in case agent is unreachable: mail@emilyschmeller.com
Demo reel and additional photos available at www.emilyschmeller.com/en