EASTERN EUROPEAN ACTORS (m/f), 16-50 English spkrs, for television series [P]

ref # 186335

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Slave Market
production type: television
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Europe

about the project

Synopsis: Khurshid and his wife kidnap young girls to sell them for gold. The narrative follows three daughters who were sold by their drunken father to Khurshid. Their mother, Nadakha, doesn’t give up on her children and goes on journey to get them back.
Filming starts 10th November – 10th December. Shooting in  Romania, Thailand and Egypt depending on character.
Paid with transport, accommodation, per diem.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 16 - 24
role languages: English
role ethnicities: Eastern European
Various Roles:
role 2 | actors | male
playing age: 40 - 50
role languages: English
role ethnicities: Eastern European
DASHAY - drunken, hopeless, man. Husband of Nadakha and father to the girls.

1 day shoot in Romania.