UK: actors (m) 25-30, English spkrs, for short film in West Yorkshire [P]

ref # 253121

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Kai
production type: short film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: England/Wales/Scotland

about the project

Casting ’Kai,’ an ambitious, important and topical short film that explores the relationship and interpretations between humans and A.I, and brings global events closer to home.

Synopsis: Meet Kai, who after several dangerous encounters with autonomous drones is the last surviving soldier of a terrible battle in a cold, harsh environment. As he wanders through the trenches looking for a way out, he comes across an A.I drone and finds himself at the heart of an uncertain relationship between humans and technology. One glance at the news tells you urban and drone warfare is the present- not just the future.

Shoots in/around Calderdale and nearby areas.

Paid (Non-Union) – Rate: £65.00 / day

Total Pay: £195.00 for an estimated 3 days of work
No expenses paid.

Actors covered by Business and Public Liability Insurance.

This is a chance to join forces with a dynamic up-and-coming independent film company. Colourful characters are encouraged to apply. Working in proximity to drones with a small but skilled crew.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 25 - 30
role languages: English
m, 25-30, any ethnicity, soldier like build - fit/athletic type.
Kai is an unarmed and shell-shocked soldier, who after several dangerous encounters with autonomous drones is the last survivor of a terrible battle. As he wanders through the trenches looking for a way out, he comes across an A.I drone and finds himself at the heart of an uncertain relationship between humans and technology.

*NDA and contract to be signed, if cast.