a pro actor on enCAST
location: Vienna, Austria
languages: French, English, German, Wolof
an 1,80 and 78 kg athlete whose passion is acting.
Mamadou, playing ages 25 to 37, male.

represented in Europe by Staboxx Agentur-Dach, Tel +49 (0)30 88 720 760

My contact e-mail:

Physical basics:

Height: 1,79 m

Weight: 78 kg

Ethnicity: West African

Eyes: Black

I am very skilled with music and rhythm, I can play almost any instrument that fell in my hands. I love to run, very fast that friends of mine call me Hussain Bolt. I am also highly skilled with sport, almost any of them, I use to say "if it is called sport, I can do it. Even chess." I speak five languages, also several dialects and accents. But what I believe is the most important and my biggest skill is that I am a fast learner. For example I mastered the German language in one year, I learnt and pass the exam of Hotelier in seven weeks, what supposed to take three years. I always believe that acting is my devotion, since as a kid I was playing theater in the streets of Dakar - the capital of Senegal. I want to concentrate all my time and energy doing what I love to do, meaning ACTING.

Documents & Licences
  • EU Residence Card, EU Proof of Covid Vaccination
Sports: martial arts, weightlifting, climbing, running/jogging, football/soccer, swimming
Dance: hip hop, modern, jazz
Instruments: drums