GERMANY: actors (m/f), 18-32, androgynous look, English spkrs, for feature film in Berlin

ref # 226927

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: The Lost Dragonfly
production type: feature film
pay: contact for details

looking for: actors
based in/around: Berlin, Germany

about the project

We’re searching for our lead actor (m/f/d) from the Berlin area for our independent production of the feature length movie “The Lost Dragonfly", a fantasy psycho-drama.

Award winning Director Philipp Müller-Dorn wrote the screenplay and will be directing this film. (His last film eMANNzipation has won 14 international festival awards and is now available on Amazon video and Apple TV).

Shooting in Berlin in March/April 2024.

Deferred payment contracts. 


Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 18 - 32
role languages: English-American
Character name: Om
Age range: 18- 32
Accent: Standard American

We’re looking for someone with a highly androgynous look (The audience should be unsure whether Om is female or male). Seeking a professional performer from the Berlin area, who is able to give a strong performance with a lot of subtlety.