EUROPE: actors (m) 18-23, American English spkrs, for short film in Berlin [NP]
project title: Family Matters
production type: short film
pay: non paid
looking for: actors
based in/around: Europe
about the project
For a no budget short film titled: ”Family matters”. Award-winning American director helming project.
Roderick (19), a passionate young man, is madly in love with his girlfriend Julia (17), who lives with her wealthy parents. Despite the difficulties of having to sneak around Julia’s over-protective parents, the couple spend their stolen moments in youthful abandon – until their unprotected passion results in a missed menstrual cycle. They decide to marry and raise their child together. But once they inform Julia’s parents, things take a dark turn and the future of Roderick and Julia’s young family is put to the ultimate test… with fatal consequences.
Shooting in Berlin in Mid-September.
NB: The casting is open to actors anywhere in Europe but please note that it is non paid and expenses are not covered.
playing age: 18 - 23
role languages: English-American
m, 18-23, fluent in US English (without an accent).