Editing your Showreel

Do you have the footage for a showreel but are unsure or don’t have the software to edit it together?

enCAST can help.

We offer a service where we will:

  1. Put all your clips (footage) into a single showreel
  2. Work with you to order the clips
  3. Trim the clips to create a short, powerful showreel
  4. Add a simple title card to the beginning & end
  5. Deliver the showreel to you in MP4 format so you can put it online

We do this according to the latest styles when it comes to showreels. (The kind of showreels we like are explained here.)

The cost for this is €50 (including VAT) and it will normally take about a week to create the showreel and then work with you to finalise the look.

Click here to order the showreel editing package.


If you would like enCAST to edit your showreel for you, this is the procedure. And remember, we can help with every step!

  1. Use the link above to order the editing package
  2. We will then contact you and ask for all the footage you have which you think is suitable for your showreel
  3. Send us the footage via WeTransfer and tell us which scenes you like
  4. We will put together a first draft and send it to you for comments
  5. After your comments, we will put together a final draft and send it to you for loading on Vimeo or YouTube

Note that the whole procedure normally takes about 1 week.