POLAND: actors (m/f) 20-40, Portuguese spkrs, for Social Media Campaign in Warsaw [P]

ref # 259694

closing date: Monday, 30th September, 2024 (week 40)

project title: Social Media Campagne (Facebook/Tiktok)
production type: advert/spot
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Warsaw, Poland

about the project

Casting Portuguese-speaking actors based in Warsaw for a Social Media Campagne (Facebook/Tiktok).

Filming will take place in September in Warsaw and will last for a few hours.

Paid project.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 20 - 40
role languages: Portuguese
We are seeking actors (amateur and beginner actors welcome) who meet the following criteria:
• Age: 20-40 years
• Energetic and emotional
• Portuguese speakers