NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 19-70 English spkrs, for short film in Breda [E]

ref # 167902

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: 'Oblivious'
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Breda, Netherlands

about the project

For a 5 minute short student film titled, ’Oblivious’. 

Synopsis: Elodie promises her dying grandmother that she would always tell her dementing grandfather the truth, so when her grandmother passes she tells her grandfather as much. her grandfather becomes very emotional every time he is told the truth, and after a while Elodie can’t handle bringing her grandfather so much pain anymore and starts to lie to him after they have a falling out.

Shooting in May 2022.

Transportation costs covered + catering on set

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 19 - 22
role languages: English
Elodie:19 year, dark hair and dark eyes

*to apply send a short introduction video
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 60 - 65
role languages: English
Rose: female 60 + (will only appear for one minute)
role 3 | actors | male
playing age: 50 - 70
role languages: English
George: male 50+ , old looking, plays dementing grandad

*to apply send a short introduction video