NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 25-30, English spkrs, for short film in The Hague [E]

ref # 237412

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: The Art Of Shaking
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: The Hague, Netherlands

about the project

For a Student short titled: The Art Of Shaking.

Synopsis: In the midst of financial struggles and an uncertain future, Eddy, a young painter, gets diagnosed with an essential tremor, a condition causing rhythmic and involuntary shaking, often in the hands or arms. He faces a make-or-break moment. His partner Jenna demands a change in their circumstances, leading Eddy to go all in on an upcoming art exhibition. However, the diagnosis takes a toll on his ability to paint. Eddy tries hard to rescue his art career by asking Jenna for help, but working together puts a strain on their relationship and causes problems between them. As Eddy battles with self-doubt and the challenges of his condition, he finds inspiration in an unexpected source. This story looks at how people try to follow their passions, deal with tough times, and how relationships affect their path to understanding themselves better. Eddy's resilience leads to an unexpected victory at the exhibition, but the triumph comes with a tough decision — he must choose between pursuing his art or Jenna.

We are a team of international students who are passionate about filmmaking and for our course we are producing a short drama film. This story really spoke to us as it is a narrative that many people can connect with. "'The Art of Shaking” is more than just a film. It’s a story that speaks directly to the audience, exploring themes of self-discovery, relationship dynamics, and the pursuit of personal passions. In our world, where we’re all trying to find our way and make our dreams come true, this film shows how hard it can be, especially when life throws unexpected curves at us. Eddy, one of the main characters, faces a life-changing disability. This part of the story shows us how sudden changes can affect our dreams and relationships. It’s a powerful reminder of the strength and courage we find in ourselves and with our loved ones during tough times.

The movie also talks about the struggle to keep our own identity and chase our passions while being in a loving relationship. It’s about the balance between being true to yourself and being there for someone else. This is something many of us can relate to in today’s world, where we juggle personal goals and our relationships. 'The Art of Shaking' isn’t just a film; it’s a mirror to our lives. It’s about the shake-ups we all face, the tough choices we make, and the strength we find in love and support. It's a story that connects deeply with the heartbeat of our society and its challenges.

The shoot will take place between 3-10 of January in The Hague. (We expect to need 4 shooting days with Eddy’s character).

As it is a self-funded student project, the role will be unpaid, but we will cover all travel costs and delicious catering.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 25 - 30
role languages: English
ROLE: Eddy
m, 25-30, English speaker

Eddy’s Character Bio:

· Mid/Late 20's
· Friendly face
· Artistic
· Messy
· Passionate
· Struggles with mental health

Role details: Eddy is an artist, and painting is his whole life. His mother (deceased) was a famous painter and he wants to step out of her shadow and prove that he has his own talent and style too. He has recently stopped working to pursue art full time, but he has been struggling to make money. This is putting a big strain on his relationship with his girlfriend, Jenna. She is the only one working and earning money, and they can barely afford to eat. Jenna is becoming increasingly upset with their situation, which means there will be some scenes with emotional arguments and angry fighting (verbally). Eddy is a kind and caring person deep down, but his passion for his art is overshadowing his love for Jenna and their relationship. Once Eddy gets diagnosed with an essential tremor (which will impact his ability to paint) Eddy’s mental state becomes very poor. There are some scenes with Eddy struggling with his mental health while he is alone, so ability to show emotion without dialogue is important to our story. Eddy will be home alone, spiraling in his emotions once Jenna leaves him. He is using alcohol to cope, he is depressed and not painting, and he is feeling hopeless. In the end, he becomes inspired to embrace his disability and creates a beautiful art piece which wins a prize at an exposition. However, Eddy will not be there to receive the prize as he has left the event to resolve things with Jenna, as that is what matters to him above all else.