GERMANY: actors (f) 17-25 English spkrs, for film in Düsseldorf [NP]

ref # 175889

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Afterglow
production type: feature film
pay: non paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Düsseldorf, Germany

about the project

I’m an independent writer, director and editor based in Germany who’s been establishing a vast portfolio of over 17 short films over the past three years. As of recently, I’m a student of film directing at the Ruhrakademie Schwerte and I’m currently in the process of writing the screenplay for my latest project, AFTERGLOW, a 60 minute found footage film I plan on shooting this fall.

Alessandro and his friends set out to have themselves a ”guy’s only” night out getting stoned together, but when he hears that Natalie ― a girl who recently rejected his crush ― is joining them, he starts having second thoughts.

The film is set in the late October of 2010, therefore characters will wear 2000s appropriate fashion i.e. oversized hoodies, baggy pants, NY caps, Vans and so forth, as well as interact with 2000s technology i.e. iPod Touch, DSi, Wii, and many more.

Furthermore, in order to sell the found footage premise, the entire film will be shot with nothing but a Sony Camcorder. Therefore, equipment will not play a big role in the production of the film and the actors should feel a lot more free than usual.

It’s an English screenplay, therefore being fluent in the English language is a must.

The screenplay should be finished by the end of August. We will spend September having several table reads/rehearsals with all the actors, and from October 4th till October 15th, we’ll be shooting the entire film. Finally, throughout November and December, the film will be released and submitted to various film festivals.

In case you’re interested and/or have any questions, contact me and we will discuss further information. 

Thank you for your time. Have a good day.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 17 - 25
role languages: English-American/English
An 18 y/o self-conscious but open-hearted art student who has recently rejected the protagonist's feelings for her and is desperately trying to rekindle her friendship with him.