FRANCE: extras (m/f) 18-60 French spkrs, for television in Ile De France [P]

ref # 153354

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: television
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Ile De France, France

about the project

For reconstructions for Enquêtes Criminelles on W9.

Shooting on Friday 11/ 02 and/or Saturday 12/02. Not all profiles required for both days of shooting in Ile de France.

Fee: 85€/Day

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 18 - 60
role languages: French
1 man, dark hair, around 18-20, thin, around 1m65
1 Black man aged 25-35, tall, short hair
1 man aged 30-40, dark, short hair
1 woman around 35-50 years old, slim, blonde, shoulder length hair
1 man around 60