ENGLAND: actors (f) 65-99, English spkrs, for feature film in Durham [P]

ref # 230432

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Time Loop
production type: feature film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Durham, England

about the project

Casting female actors for a small but integral role in the feature film "Time Loop".

Logline: Trapped with a mysterious vampire in an endless time loop, Grace must unlock the secrets of the house, the previous night’s party, and her own past, to find any hope of escaping and returning to her normal life and young child.

Shooting in County Durham on 15th and 20th Nov. 2023.

Paid: GBP 125 - daily 

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 65 - 99
role languages: English
role ethnicities: White
f, 65+, Caucasian, with Blue Eyes (for family/story reasons)
The character: A mysterious woman that the protagonist encounters multiple times throughout the film and is involved in an emotional climax of the film.