BELGIUM/GERMANY/NETHERLANDS: actors (f) 18-99, American English spkrs, for UGC Creative Company in AMS [P]

ref # 244944

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: UGC Creator
production type: shoot
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Belgium/Germany/Netherlands

about the project

Netherlands based company casting actors as UGC Creators.

We have amazing new opportunities every single week (apps, healthcare, skincare, technology, gaming, services, wellness etc.) If we love your submission - you become our regular creator and your compensation fee increases.

Proposal - When a brand reaches out to us, we propose a talent deck to them - in which we show your photo and example video so the client can review you. I also include in the message details of the brand and product so you can familiarize yourself. At this stage I also ask you whether you’d like to be included in the proposal, I give you a time frame in which we will shoot the add and ask whether you’re available. If you agree, we will notify you IF the client chooses you as the talent.

Shoot - The shooting always takes 2 hours, we always shoot in our in-house studio in Amsterdam (Bos en Lommerplein 104). Always the day before your shoot you’ll get a brief containing your lines for the day, as well wardrobe and props you need to bring. You shoot with our production team - they direct you.

Fee & Payment - The starting fee is 150 euros, but depending on the subject matter and as we work together the compensation may increase. You invoice us after the shoot and we pay at the end of the month.


Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 25 - 50
role languages: English-American
Looking for:

- ?? Native US English speaker
- Gender: Male
- Age: 25-50
- Comfortable talking about Erectile Dysfunction
- Comfortable on camera