BELGIUM: actors/voiceovers (m/f) 20-50 English spkrs, for short film in Brussels [E]

ref # 146003

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Midnight
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Brussels, Belgium

about the project

‘Midnight’ is a 12 to 15 minutes psychological thriller in English with three characters living next to each other.

The story is set in a low-class building in the late 1900s early 2000s. The three characters all start their day at Midnight respective to their professional endeavors.  Some aspects of the story suggest films like Joker by Todd Philips in terms of story genre and the period, and the shape of water by Guillermo Del Toro in terms of aesthetics.

Throughout the story, their interactions become tenser, positively and negatively due to internal and external forces. Violet, after sleeping with Eddy who was re-enacting an abstract memory of his, disappears. This throws Eddy in a very rough episode of transformation as he goes off the drugs and starts hallucinating an abstract memory from the past.

This story examines the intrinsic forces that push to the brink of declination when a heavy load weighs the soul/consciousness. We want to create this story to bring the power of raw emotion to the screen and see an emerging transformed character who decides to seek redemption through the roughness of his past and his environment.

Production is set to start on the 4th to the 7th of March 2022.

Rehearsals will be on  25th Feb, 26th Feb, and one more date to be communicated soon. The production is flexible depending on availabilities.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 25 - 29
role languages: English
EDDY is underweight, with bad posture. He is the building janitor and works at night because there is no movement. He hears voices and hallucinates so he takes drugs to avoid hallucinations.

Eddy’s weakness is his suffering from a shallow willingness to live due to his life experience pushing him to use Dimension( a drug) to revitalize his self (consciousness). He desires to develop enough courage to end his life.
His Psychological need is overcoming his inability to act and react when facing evil or harm done to himself and his moral need is overcoming his state to be able to help others when facing danger, and his addiction.
Please note, there may be some nudity/intimacy in this role. For more on what this means, please see here.
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 21 - 27
role languages: English
VIOLET is good-looking, she is thin, she is not very neat, but it can pass, she is suggestive and desirable on first observation. She is the desire in the story. Her obsessions are about beauty, her body, makeup, and face. That is the root of her addiction. Her desire is to be revered as a star of some sort, a dream far from reach.

On first observation, she seems to be a little bit militant or rebellious, but her attitude is naivete, she hides in her room because there she is the star. Underneath this mask is a girl who forgot her way home.
Please note, there may be some nudity/intimacy in this role. For more on what this means, please see here.
role 3 | actors | male
playing age: 35 - 50
role languages: English
JOHN is strong and round built, he has a round face, and wide hands, he is not naturally good looking, he tries but it is outside his nature, his build does not favor him on the attractiveness scale, he is overweight but balanced by his overall strength and height. John is not neat; he sweats a lot out of everywhere.

John’s temperament is steady, but he laughs one iota too high, and he is one inch closer to your face than the average, he laughs two seconds post the funny of a joke, his whole being is awry and should worry you when considering his overall build.
His phobia is rejection. His alcohol addiction is rooted in the longing for the doll wife of his dreams which will push his negative desire for Violet to the extreme. The cause of addiction is the goal to believe in a world where everything should have bent to his vision of the world.
role 4 | actors | female
playing age: 20 - 27
role languages: English
Mary is an abstract memory in the story. She is abstracted hence we do not see her face but see her presence from the back when Eddy is hallucinating.
With a blonde haircut, she appears in the story, her body turned against the frame, she dialogues but we do not know her past until it is revealed. She is the internal force that pushes Eddy through his transformation as the story grows in intensity.