SPAIN: actors (m) 20-25 | 50-60, Spanish spkrs, for student short in Madrid [NP]

ref # 245965

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: short film
pay: non paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Madrid, Spain

about the project

Se buscan actores para un cortometraje de TFG (TAI).

ROdaje en Madrid centro en abril 2024..

No remunerado.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 20 - 25
role languages: Spanish
20 - 25 años.
Con aspecto años70s.
Piercings y tatuajes opcionales.

role 2 | actors | male
playing age: 50 - 60
role languages: Spanish
50 - 60 años.
Mirada desafiante, carácter fuerte y que imponga.