SPAIN: actors (f) 21-30 English/Spanish spkrs, for tv series in Torrevieja [E]

ref # 177588

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: The Rat Race
production type: television
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Torrevieja, Spain

about the project

For a low budget TV series titled “The Rat Race”. The series is made for an English speaking audience and is centered around 3 women in an office and their interactions and private life. It is a black comedy which will lead to some interesting revelations. 

Shooting in Torrevieja.

The role will be unpaid for the first episode, although refreshments will be provided, which is hoped to take around one and a half months with a view to being commissioned for the rest of the series. 

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 21 - 30
role languages: English/Spanish/English-American
role ethnicities: WhiteMixed Race
We are looking for a Spanish female, who looks in her early to mid 20´s who is Spanish but also speaks English. The English doesn´t have to be perfect but it must be understandable, a Spanish accent in English is no problem.

The character is a hippy type, crystal loving naïve young lady who gets teased at work but doesn´t really realise it due to her naivety, however she is always happy and tries to help everybody.