SLOVAKIA: actors (f) 19-27, English spkrs, for TV dating show in Bratislava [P]
project title: Dating Show for Austrian Television
production type: television
pay: paid
looking for: actors
based in/around: Bratislava, Slovakia
about the project
Casting female actors in Bratislava for a Dating Show for Austrian Television. This is a non scripted, reality-TV Show.
We're a Vienna based production company who is filming a reality TV show in Bratislava. Our show is basically a (real/unscripted) dating show but we're working with actors / actresses and models because it's easier. What we're looking for in Bratislava are talents/extras who are willing to play in our reality show.
The whole project goes something like this:
A group of 2 Austrians (our actors, 2 men) are going to travel to Bratislava having a good time in and around the city. They want to meet new, local people. A typical date might be, that they meet at a bar / restaurant / at the beach etc. They start having a conversation and start get to know each other. The date will be filmed by our team.
Filming takes place in Bars/Restaurants in Bratislava.
Filming starts on August 12th and ends on August 14th. We're shooting ~ 4 hours / person.
Paid project.
playing age: 19 - 27
role languages: English
We do not have special preferences regarding the appearance. For us it is important that the female talents speak English (it doesn’t have to be perfect), are funny, outgoing, and reliable. We do not have a script so the Talents should be confident about having a nice and spontaneous conversation with our characters.
For us it is important that the talents are okay with going on a date. Our project is a reality show, it’s not scripted. But if the date works out and both like each other and the story evolves into a romantic date the talents should be aware that they’ll kiss.
We do not force any talent into kissing one of our actors – we just want to point out, that there is a possibility of kissing, if they like each other. There is as well the possibility that one talent will have a second date with one of our actors.