NETHERLANDS: extras (m/f) 25-35 Dutch spkrs, for short film in Amsterdam [E]

ref # 168571

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Amsterdam, Netherlands

about the project

For a HBO Film & Audiovisual Media final year student film. The project will be a short fiction film of approximately 10 minutes.

To be filmed on 11 & 12 June.

ROBBERT has been working in the same department of a large hip marketing company for years. Today he has scheduled a meeting with his manager to ask for a promotion. He is rejected with a smile. ROBBERT grabs his bag and is ready to go home. Once in the elevator, something remarkable happens, the elevator doors open again in the same department and it’s 09:00 in the morning again. ROBBERT is stuck in a time loop.

The film will mainly contain many comedic aspects, the main character will try to win this promotion in various ways.

The film will be set in the department of a hip office building. 

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 25 - 35
role languages: Dutch
Looking for extras who can make this office lively. Spontaneously starting conversations with your colleagues and responding in fun ways to the 2 main characters are useful skills for while shooting.
Having clothes that are suitable for an office work environment a plus.