NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 25-80, English spkrs, for short film [E]

ref # 244174

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Adoption
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Netherlands

about the project

For our upcoming short film about adoption, we are seeking English-speaking actors/actresses to fill the character roles.

Synopsis: The story follows Dennis, a father who lost his daughter to illness a year ago, and his wife who left him because of his struggle with the aftermath of the loss. To fill the void in his heart, Dennis decides to adopt an orphan named Fana as a way to replace his deceased daughter. Eventually Dennis realizes that his deceased daughter is irreplaceable and embraces Fana's unique lifestyle. This moving journey brings him to a profound understanding and acceptance.

Travel expenses will be covered, and catering will be provided for all characters. Some roles come with additional compensation.

The shooting days are scheduled between April 12 and April 26, with locations across various places in the Netherlands.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 25 - 80
role languages: English
Jaden Brooks (Supporting, Age 25-40) - A cheerful and compassionate aftercare worker who has the ability to seamlessly switch communication styles between children and parents.

Dennis Oldman (Lead, Age 30-50) - An optimistic and inspiring father who faces intense emotional challanges. This causes him express a range of hopeful and despondent emotions.

Lyla Oldman (Supporting, Age 30-50) - A forthright and assertive wife who strives to make the best of her situation.

Doctor (Supporting, Age 30-60) - A sympathetic and understanding man capable of delivering difficult news in a professional manner.

Cindy Thompson (Supporting, Age 40-60) - A logical and sincere female counselor that analyzes and handles cases with resolve.

Sophia Oldman (Supporting, Age 60-80) - A heartwarming and gentle grandmother offering emotional support and counsel.