NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 24-65, Polish / Dutch spkrs, for short film [E]

ref # 245260

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Kocham Cię
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Netherlands

about the project

Casting actors for graduation short film titled 'Kocham cię'.

LOGLINE: Polish Mila (26) and her Dutch girlfriend Anna (27) have to learn how to communicate and overcome linguistic and cultural differences, in order to save their relationship.

SYNOPSIS: When Mila and Anna are visiting Anna’s parents, Mila realizes again that she doesn’t feel at home in the Netherlands. On their way back home, Mila tries to tell Anna what is bothering her but she doesn’t seem to have the words to explain herself. Back home, Mila and Anna are getting closer to each other again. Mila being a piano player and Anna being a singing teacher, find a mutual connection through music. A talk with a Polish friend on the phone and this musical connection, will later be the cause of Mila finally daring to translate her thoughts into English to her girlfriend and tell her what’s been going on in her mind lately regarding the relationship, the communication and her moving to the Netherlands. But will it be on time?

Shooting on April 16, 17 and 18. Location TBA.

All your travel expenses will be covered and there will be lunch and dinner on set.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 24 - 28
role languages: Polish
ROLE: Mila
female, 26, Polish speaker, preferably with dark hair.
Mila is a recently graduated piano player. She studied in the Netherlands and decided to stay for Anna. She finds it difficult to talk about emotions.
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 25 - 29
role languages: Dutch
ROLE: Anna
female, 27, Dutch speaker, preferably with blonde hair.
Anna graduated in the same year as Mila, as a singer. She's quite extraverted but doesn't always notice what's up with Mila.
role 3 | actors | m/f
playing age: 58 - 65
role languages: Dutch
ROLE: Nadine, Anna's mom
female, 61, Dutch speaker

ROLE: Peter, Anna's dad
male, 63, Dutch speaker