NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 17-22 Dutch spkrs, for short film in West Brabant [NP]

ref # 168569

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: short film
pay: non paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: West Brabant, Netherlands

about the project

For a 1st year MBO final film. To be filmed on June 18 (TBC) in West Brabant. 

Transportation from a station to filming locations is offered.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 17 - 22
role languages: Dutch
- LEAD ACTOR / MAN ~17-22 Years
Goes to various locations in West Brabant. Plays a quiet boy who sometimes clumsily dreams away and where all kinds of things are against him.
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 17 - 22
role languages: Dutch
- CASH EDITOR / WOMAN ~17-22 Years
The Cashier has a short dialogue when the main character, who is uncomfortable with the employee, comes to pay for a sandwich and his debit card has insufficient balance. (1 location, somewhere in West Brabant).