NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 16-20 Dutch spkrs, for short film in Haarlem [E]

ref # 175647

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: De Bezorging
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Haarlem, Netherlands

about the project

De Bezorging is about how badly delivery people are treated, always have to wait a long time, have to cycle through the rain and receive little or never a tip. (I speak from experience) De Bezorging is a horror comedy short movie of no longer than 5 minutes.

Recording dates not yet known, sometime in the weekend of September/October 2022.

Expenses covered.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 16 - 20
role languages: Dutch
A young man between 16-20, preferably a few pimples on the face (unkempt skin)