ITALY: actors (m) 25-30 | (f) 45-80, English spkrs, various ethnicities, for short film in Friuli Venezia Giulia [P]

ref # 253313

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: LUNA (working title)
production type: short film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

about the project

Casting ”Luna” a short film proof of concept for future feature film.

Genre: Eco-dystopic, grounded sci-fi.
Specifics: 15-20 min total, digital.
Director: Aurora Ovan

Logline: Luna, a young rebellious shaman-to-be, illegally enters The City to prove to Nature Custodians that Citizens can still learn the interconnection with Nature.

1-2 shooting days per role during September – October 2024 in Friuli-Venezia Giulia.

Paid: euro 350/day

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 25 - 30
role languages: English
role ethnicities: White
Dianto (Supporting Lead)
m, 25-30, fluent in English (AM or BR) ideally English (mother tongue), ethnicity: Caucasian
About Dianto: Brilliant engineer. Great listener. Not so great in saying what he thinks. He’d rather give than receive. As he has always felt like if he doesn't fit, he projects this feeling by wanting to open his own lab where he’ll give electronical trash a new life. In love with Luna since they were little… never told her to not stop her from wanting more. He's a lovely and cheerful human being that too often puts other people needs before his. He "fights" with kindness. He's just about to be part of the Circle of Custodians, a group of shamans, scientists, educators and Nature protectors.
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 45 - 50
role languages: English
role ethnicities: LatinxBlack
Gea (Supporting Role)
f, 45-50, fluent in English (AM or BR) ideally English (mother tongue),
Ethnicity: Latin American OR Black (Caribbean) OR Mediterranean (dark)
About Gea: Luna's mom, supports Luna's mission 'cause she secretly wants to change her generational loop of Nature Custodians. She was strongly directed to becoming a Nature Custodian by her grandmother, so Gea tried for her whole life to be as diligent as her, until she had Luna. When her daughter was born, she decided that she'd be her only priority and educated her in order to decide by herself if she wanted to be a Custodian or not. Gea is diplomatic and persistent, has a deep sensitivity but in her lowest moments she shows self-destructive and needy traits, definitely sparked by the time Luna's father abandoned them.
role 3 | actors | female
playing age: 70 - 75
role languages: English
role ethnicities: Mixed RaceBlack
Quercea (Supporting Role)
f, 70-75, fluent in English (AM or BR) ideally English (mother tongue),
Ethnicity: Afro-American OR Aboriginal OR Mixed race OR Black (African)
About Quercea: Nature Custodian leader, severely rejects Luna and doesn't let her become a shaman 'cause she wants to protect her, but also slightly jealous of her courage. She's diligent, asks a lot from herself, thinks that there's only one way to be a Nature Custodian (usually it's her way). Her grandmother refused to be a Custodian, putting all the weight on her shoulders, weight that Quercea has been bringing with courage through the years to cover the shame she feels towards her family. The shame wound clicks again when Luna shows her something that she thought would never be possible.
role 4 | actors | female
playing age: 75 - 80
role languages: English
role ethnicities: WhiteAsian
Salvia (Supporting Role)
f, 75-80, fluent in English (AM or BR) ideally English (mother tongue),
Ethnicity: Anglo-Saxon OR Mediterranean (fair) OR Oriental OR White
about Salvia: One of the oldest Nature Custodians, will secretly help Luna to escape. Mentor figure, she affectionately project on Luna what she wanted to be when she was younger: Salvia, a very long time ago, has been part of one of the last revolutions against The City and the urbanization but when she was about to get caught and brought to labor work in the metropolis, a group of Nature Custodians saved her by getting her to the Circle of Shamans. From that time, Salvia has contained her revolutionary and strong spirit to show recognition. This inevitably lead to leave a slower-paced life, but she's just a volcano ready to erupt and Luna will be "her lava".