HUNGARY: actors (f) 30-45 English spkrs, for short film [P]

ref # 170785

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Midheaven
production type: short film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Hungary

about the project

For a short film titled ”Midheaven”. 

The short is about three backpacking high school friends taking a workaway job at a reclusive couple’s property in the countryside.  The trio’s shared future becomes uncertain as they face challenges posed by poor living conditions, a summer heatwave, and their host’s utilitarian outlook.

Our planned shooting days are July 2nd to the 11th. Backup shooting days are between July 25 and 29.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 30 - 45
role languages: English-American/English
ROLE: Judith
English speaking role for a native Hungarian. (3 shooting days)
Age: mid 30s
Appearance: Somewhat fragile.
ROLE Description:
Judit is Franz's wife and his sole companion on the property. The isolated life that they lead has made her a little bit awkward. She often experiences strong headaches and fatigue and during these times she looks pregnant with pain. Despite her initial shyness, she is very friendly and glad about having company. It is easy for her to care for others.
She speaks English well if not confidently. Even mid-conversation her mind often wanders and so sometimes her speech trails off a bit. She knows about herself that she doesn’t like to hold eye contact when speaking but from time to time she wills herself to do so. This puts an unintentional emphasis on certain things she says.
She feels uncomfortable in group conversations and prefers to talk one on one. If she senses any sort of judgment she disengages.
Her marriage with Franz is based on a pact: the two of them against everyone. However, the source of this opposition to the outside world is different for the two of them. While Franz wishes to divorce from society because he despises it, Judith simply wants to take refuge from the trials of everyday social interactions. Their marriage is guarded, we hardly get any glimpses at it.
While still fully committed to her husband, eventually Judith starts to suffer from isolation. The pains she experiences are at least partially psychosomatic in nature.