GERMANY: actors (m/f), 18-75 English spkrs, for artistic film project in Frankfurt [P]

ref # 172005

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Marked By Intensity
production type: short film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Frankfurt, Germany

about the project

“Marked by Intensity” is an artistic research exploring the impact of interactions with humanoid artificial intelligences on users’ daily lives. In particular the project will analyze the behavior that develops in interactions of first-time users with humanoid artificial intelligences.

The film will be structured as a fictional story, set in an unspecified location. The story will look at different characters working in a research center carrying out experiments and tests about feelings and interactions generated by AI in human users.

The film will be developed in the context of the artistic residency INHABIT at Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics.

The film will be shot for 3-4 days between mid November and mid December 2022 in Frankfurt.

Paid work (no travel expenses can be covered).

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 18 - 75
role languages: English
We are looking for male and female actors, 18-75, with a good/excellent English pronunciation based in the Frankfurt area.

*After an initial contact via email, the director will ask for a short reel (2-3 minutes) to be sent via email. The actors will have to play some brief excerpts from the script.