GERMANY: actors (m) 45-60, specific look, for video shoot by Korean artist in Berlin [P]

ref # 257059

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: ALL THAT FALL
production type: shoot
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Germany

about the project

DEUTSCHLANDWEIT Casting für die Produktion einer neuen Video Arbeit der Künstlerin Chan Sook Choi.

Chan Sook ist eine koreanische Künstlerin, die sich in ihren Arbeiten mit den Erzählformen physischer und spiritueller Migration auseinandersetzt. Sie kombiniert die verschiedenen Fragmente, die durch Migration entstehen, und schafft neue Ortsgebundenheiten als Alternative zu den vermeintlich festen Realitäten.

Project Overview
"ALL THAT FALL" begins with a type of volcanic rock known as "Apache tears," a black glass-like stone. This stone is a type of obsidian found in the Superior region of Arizona. This area, which includes the sacred land of the Apache tribe known as Oak Flat, has recently become the site of a fierce struggle between the Apache tribe and an international copper mining corporation due to newly discovered copper deposits. This essay film examines the displaced and transformed bodies of Native Americans, residents, and veterans involved in this difficult struggle, depicting their bodies, alliances, and surfaces as slow-flowing liquids like glass.

Für ihre neue Videoarbeit hat die Künstlerin verschiedene Protagonisten mit PTSD und Kriegsbezug interviewt. Diese Protagonisten werden in der Videoarbeit von Schauspielern dargestellt die den Protagonisten vom Look her ähneln sollen. Da diese Interviews sehr emotional waren, müssen alle gecasteten Schauspieler Szenen nachstellen, in denen geweint wird. Wir suchen daher erfahrene Schauspieler, diese Emotionen glaubwürdig vermitteln können.

GAGE: 500 Euro inklusive 1 Rehearsal & 1 Drehtag
Der Film wird dann am 14. September im NamJunePeik Artcenter in Korea gezeigt.

Wir casten gerne deutschlandweit und können Reisekosten übernehmen. Für die Rolle Native American Veteran übernehmen wir Reisekosten und Übernachtung deutschlandweit.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 45 - 55
role languages: English
ROLE: Veteran 1
Worked in Iraq, has PTSD, over 45 years old
- Physical Body as American-Veteran
- emotional skill, crying scene; might have a couple of sentences in English but not clear yet.

*Seeking Actors Who Resemble the Real Protagonist* (PLEASE SEE PHOTO)
role 2 | actors | male
playing age: 45 - 55
role languages: English
ROLE: Veteran 2
Indigenous Veteran, worked in Germany and Iraq, has PTSD, over 45 years old
American Native, Father is German and Mother from Yaki Tribe, Resident at Superior
- Physical Body as American-Veteran
- emotional skill, crying scene; might have a couple of sentences in English but not clear yet.

*Seeking Actors Who Resemble the Real Protagonist* (PLEASE SEE PHOTO)
role 3 | actors | male
playing age: 50 - 60
role languages: English
ROLE: Veteran 3
American Native, Apache Tribe, Reader of Apache stronghold. Resident at San Carlos - has the trauma of war and still fighting. over 50 years old.
- Physical Body as American-Veteran
- emotional skill, crying scene; might have a couple of sentences in English but not clear yet.

*Seeking Actors Who Resemble the Real Protagonist* (PLEASE SEE PHOTO)