GERMANY: actors (f) 22-28, German spkrs with some English, for feature film in Cologne [P]

ref # 259470

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: GRAND ZIONIST PUFF
production type: feature film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Cologne, Germany

about the project

Casting call for low-budget film titled ”GRAND ZIONIST PUFF”.

For the poetic short film of multi award-winning filmmaker Ron Goldin, known for his feature film ”Line881” we are looking for female actors for the role of ”THE RIVAL”.

Logline of the story:
Amidst Europe’s charged atmosphere, an Israeli man’search for peace leads to an unexpected connection and a stark confrontation with the pervasive political and cultural conflicts that define his world.

Shooting place: Köln / Cologne
Shooting period: 20-22.09.2024

Paid: fixed/ flat day rate

As we are a low-budget production, we prefer to cast actors from Cologne and can only cover transportation cost up to a certain amount. No accommodation paid.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 22 - 28
role languages: German
ROLE: The Rival
f, a beautiful and self-assured woman around 25y. o., should have a self-confident body language, preferably blond, but not a must!
Must speak German and preferably some English.

About the character: she plays an important part in a bar scene and should represent the friend and at the same time the rival of Anna, 2nd important role. She will be part of the "friends group" hanging around in the bar on those two scenes.