GERMANY: actors (f) 20-28 | (m) 60-68, English spkrs, for YouTube comedy sketches in Dusseldorf [P]

ref # 259646

closing date: Tuesday, 24th September, 2024 (week 39)

project title: Several sketches
production type: web series
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Dusseldorf, Germany

about the project

Casting Düsseldorf-based actors for YouTube comedy sketches called "Day in the Life of a German". This is for "Content Machine" an American YouTube comedy duo present on every social media platform.

Shooting in Düsseldorf between September 28 and October 3.

Paid roles.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 60 - 68
role languages: English
A mature man (60s)
role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 20 - 28
role languages: English
A young woman (20s)