FRANCE [updated]: actors (m) 20-25 | (m/f) 38-45, English spkrs, for short film in Ile-de-France [E]

ref # 250710

closing date: This casting is now closed

production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Ile-de-France, France

about the project

Casting Student English Drama Short Film set in Greece.

Synopsis: A religious family, struggling to make ends meet, spirals after dinner when their religion doesn’t hold the answers it promised. Working at a fast food establishment while drug dealing on the side to support his mother (Maria) and flee from his abusive father (Nikos), Tasos faces a relentless struggle to survive.

Shooting Location: Ile-de-france, Paris
Shooting dates: 8th-9th-10th of June 2024

Since this is a student film, the actors will not be paid, but food, snacks, transportation etc. will be provided.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 20 - 25
role languages: English
m, 20-24, speaking English, tall, black hair, ideally with both ears pierced.
About the character: Stoic and calm, but expressive when pushed.

m, 20-25, decent looking, tall, speaking English.
About the character: Tasos' friend, also the person who helps him with drug dealing.

*The story takes place in Greece, so applicants who are fluent in English and don't have a heavy accent are preferred.
role 2 | actors | m/f
playing age: 38 - 45
role languages: English
f, 38-45, speaking English, with short hair, and soft facial features.
About the character: Kind, calm and fragile overall.

m, 38-45, speaking English, a bit overweight, grumpy looking.
About the character: Strict, generally tense and has an ominous aura.

*The story takes place in Greece, so applicants who are fluent in English and don't have a heavy accent are preferred.