FRANCE: actors (m/f) 18-50, English spkrs, for short film in Paris [E]

ref # 249768

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Nemesis
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: Paris, France

about the project

Casting call for the EICAR short film 'NEMESIS' directed by Emely Leuner.
Logline: After the suicide of her best friend, Nora decides to take revenge on the man responsible by framing him for rape.

For this project we are looking for the greatest, talented, motivated, and English-speaking actors available in the banlieue Paris between 10-15 May 2024.

Roles are not paid but expenses can be covered.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 18 - 23
role languages: English
ROLE: Anna
Age range: 18-early 20s
Gender: female
Description: Just shortly after Anna began her Internship at the Newspaper she’d been raped by her superior. She finally confides in Nora but can't find the courage to report the incident to the police. Under the constant pressure of the trauma she has experienced, she eventually develops depression which ultimately leads to her taking her own life.

role 2 | actors | female
playing age: 20 - 30
role languages: English
ROLE: Nora
Age range: 20-30 years old
Gender: female
Description: Since the suicide of her best friend, Nora has been overcome by a feeling of guilt, which finally drives her into a rage and leads to a plan to take revenge on Anna's rapist.
role 3 | actors | male
playing age: 30 - 40
role languages: English
ROLE: James
age range: 30-40 years old
Gender: male
Description: In his previous position as Junior Editor he took advantage of the young intern Anna and raped her without ever facing any consequences for it.
role 4 | actors | female
playing age: 35 - 50
role languages: English
ROLE: Inspector Wilson
Age range: 35-50 years old
Gender: female
Description: Detective Wilson questions Nora after she claims that she’s been the victim of rape. As a female detective, Wilson tries to gain Nora's trust to help her solve the investigation.