FRANCE: actors (m/f), 16-45 French/English spkrs, for short film in Arles & Montpellier [NP]

ref # 175566

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: SOLA 29-31.07
production type: short film
pay: non paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: Montpellier, France

about the project

We are shooting a Paneuropean shortfilm called SOLA
“In search of the freedom of total loneliness, a young woman discovers how important human cohesion is to her”.

Specifically SOLA tells the journey of the English teacher Mareike, who is looking for the perfect place to spread the ashes of her grandpa and start to isolate herself from humankind.

We are shooting in a small, almost documentary team in different countries and are experimenting with the possibilities of improvisation.

Next Friday till Sunday (29-31.07) we will be shooting in some places in Arles and Montpellier.
If you are interested I can send you more information or we can have a call and I can explain to you better what we are planning.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | m/f
playing age: 16 - 45
role languages: French/English
Different improvisation roles