ENGLAND: actors (f) with dance skills, 16-35 English spkrs, for music video in London [E]

ref # 188498

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: Isabella
production type: music video
pay: expenses

looking for: actors
based in/around: London, England

about the project

The Project: 
Casting actors/dancers for a minimal, picturesque, instrumental music video for Fez Seyed song titled ‘Isabella’. 
The dancer will appear from behind one of the trees and start dancing using contemporary style movement. The dancer will need to do two dances, one on the right side of the screen and one on the left. It will be two differently composed dances.
Saturday 10th December 7:00-15:00 
We will be having a recce with the chosen dancer on 19th November so please do keep this date free. It will be an early morning recce so we can capture what the morning will be like at the same time of day. 
TBC but will be in a woods something similar to Highgate Woods 
Not Paid. Expenses to the location will be covered and a copy of the project will be given to the dancer for showreel use.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 16 - 35
role languages: English
Production is looking for a young Monica Belucci. Someone who is able to move using soft, elegant, ballet-like movements.
European/Mediterranean/Caucasian but open to all ethnicities
Long dark hair