ENGLAND: actors (f) 25-45, English spkrs, for film project in London [P]

ref # 260714

closing date: Sunday, 13th October, 2024 (week 41)

project title: Misplaced
production type: feature film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: London, England

about the project

Casting call for a test shoot for a feature film scene.

Description: A deeply beautiful dream sequence to be shot on location on the Atlantic Coast in Co.Kerry, Ireland. The scene consists of various shots of a mother in her mid to late thirties, ranging from gentle to intense emotional levels. There is no dialogue but there is voice over which will also be captured during the shoot.

Shooting over 2 x consecutive weekdays between the 8th and 17th October, TBC with talents availability.

Total Pay: €200.00 - €400.00 for an estimated 2 days of work.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 25 - 45
role languages: English
role ethnicities: White
ROLE: Eileen
Female 25 - 45, Caucasian