ENGLAND: actors (f), 18-22, English spkrs, for short film in London [P]

ref # 259943

closing date: Tuesday, 8th October, 2024 (week 41)

project title: Sugar
production type: short film
pay: paid

looking for: actors
based in/around: London, England

about the project

Casting London-based female actors for a minor role in "Sugar", a short film.

"Sugar" is about Roy, a middle-aged father, estranged from his daughter, who spends a day in Prague with a young woman he met online, navigating a complex web of loneliness, longing, and unspoken truths.

We are casting for the role of Roy's daughter, Angela. It is a minor role.

Shooting in London on October 19th. Shoot for this role should only take 1 hour.

Paid: 80 Pounds.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | female
playing age: 18 - 22
role languages: English
role ethnicities: White
ROLE: Angela
f, 18-years-old, female, Caucasian
About the character: Angela is the estranged daughter of Roy. Her parents divorced three years ago and she now lives with her mother in London, while her father lives and works in Dubai. He is coming to visit her in London for the first time in forever.

Angela video calls Roy while he is in Prague and they chat. The video call will be superimposed onto the phone Roy is holding.

Half the role is scripted, half improvised as Angela responds to Roy’s questions. We already filmed the section in Prague and the film is in post-production, with the Angela section to be added in.