Intimate Scenes in the Script

So, you have been through the casting process and been offered a role. Congratulations!

The likelihood is that next you’ll be sent the full script to read over (or at least all your scenes in the film).

As with all roles, the next step is to go through it carefully and work out in your mind how the scenes will be played out, imagining the kind of locations, actions and so on.

And as you read through you might well come across an intimate scene or two. It is at this stage (i.e. as early as possible) you should speak with the director and work out what those scenes involve and clarify exactly what you will be asked to do.

You cannot be shy here – ask for as much detail as possible and if there is anything that specifically concerns you (or which might overstep your boundaries) be sure to get it clarified as early as possible.

  • Will we kiss using tongues?
  • Where will the other actor touch me?
  • Where will I be touching the other actor?
  • Where is the camera for this scene?
  • What part of my body will be exposed?
  • What will I be wearing here?

And so on. Don’t leave it till later, ask now and then work with the director in sorting out exactly what will happen in the scene. Again, don’t be satisfied with a vague “they make love” but rather pin the director down to how much intimacy this will involve.

And as we’ve said before, if the director suggests something which you are not happy with tell them there and then – do NOT leave it till the day of the shoot!

In 99.9% of cases you’ll be able to work out how the scene will play out with the director and you’ll both be happy with the way it will work.

And if the director insists on having you do something which you are not happy with?

Simply tell the director, in the politest way, that you will not compromise your boundaries and if they cannot live with that, then so be it.

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