SCOTLAND: actors (m/f) 20-40, English spkrs, for short film in Glasgow [E]

ref # 191494

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: spese

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Glasgow, Scozia

il progetto

For a short drama film set in Paisley and Glasgow. 

Logline – dating game- a financially desperate womaniser seduces a wealthy woman in order to steal her money but he ends up falling for her.

Filming should commence in early 2023 and the short will be shot over a weekend.

The job is unpaid as it’s a no budget indie production but food will be provided, and expenses covered + you’ll also have access to the film footage.

Casting in 2 stages: stage 1 will be a self tape and stage 2 will be an audition at Hillhead library.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | femmina
età scenica:20 - 37
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
female 20s - mid 30s. Very attractive and innocent appearance. Scottish or English accent.
ruolo 2 | attori | maschio
età scenica:25 - 40
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
male mid 20s - 40. Tallish. Handsome, charming / charismatic. Scottish accent.

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