SCOTLAND: actors (m/f) 19-26, English spkrs, for short film in Edinburgh [E]

ref # 213949

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

project title: Butterflies In My Stomach
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: spese

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Edinburgh, Scozia

il progetto

We are casting for two roles in a short film produced by Edinburgh Napier University. 

The short includes scenes involving smoking, kissing, and intimacy (but no nudity involved). Everything will be shot under careful discussion with the actors and careful supervision of an intimacy coordinator.

Shooting on May 10th, May 11th in Edinburgh.

Roles are not paid but catering/transport are covered. 

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | femmina
età scenica:19 - 26
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
(Age: early 20s) She's an introverted, sensitive, reserved girl. She's not very good at expressing herself with words, but more through her eyes and facial expressions. She doesn't connect to other people often but has a kind heart. She's a smoker.
Please note, there may be some nudity/intimacy in this role. For more on what this means, please see here.
ruolo 2 | attori | maschio
età scenica:19 - 26
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
(Age: early 20s)
He is a slightly shy boy with good people skills, he can get people to like him quite easily, but he has difficulty building deep connections with others. He is self-conscious and feels the need to prove himself constantly.
Please note, there may be some nudity/intimacy in this role. For more on what this means, please see here.

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