NETHERLANDS: actors (m/f) 18-70 Dutch spkrs, for short film in Groningen [E]
titolo del progetto 'FINN'
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: expenses
cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Groningen, Netherlands
il progetto
For a graduation film titled ’Finn’ , to be directed by Arion Ritzema.
Filming is due to take place on 7, 8, 9 and 10 June 2022 in Groningen.
Travel allowance and delicious catering is offered.
Synopsis: The 15-minute film FINN is about an 18-year-old boy who has been diagnosed with a serious illness. Finn has trouble accepting this, he thinks he is too young for this. In the film, help comes from an unexpected quarter. Will Finn be able to accept his illness or will his illness take the upper hand?
The path of being ill, the struggle to accept it and the battle he enters into with his illness is told visually. There is a lot going on in Finn’s head and through trippy images and experiences the viewer sometimes has to look twice before they realize what is real and what is not. It will not be a sad story, but a story from which you can draw strength.
Filmmaker’s note: ”This film is very close to me because I experienced a similar situation myself. Two years ago I got the news that I had cancer. Fortunately, after a heavy treatment, I am completely healed. At the time I also had trouble accepting my illness, why is this happening to me? How do I get out of here? I have always held hope in these times. That is something that comes back strongly in the film.
When I was in the hospital, my thoughts were everywhere except the hospital itself. My thoughts travelled to a lake, a field and beautiful wooded places. This is something that got me through it and comes back in the movie.
With the film I want to appeal to people and give them hope. Giving hope to people who are in a situation that seems so hopeless that even in moments like this you should not give up hope. I think people in a similar or a completely different situation can relate to this.”
età scenica:18 - 20
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
Finn is a good boy who is normally very outgoing. He is sporty, likes to drink a beer with his friends and thinks about his fellow man. In the beginning of the film, his personality is overshadowed by his illness which he cannot accept. As the movie progresses, his original personality will come back and shine at the end of the movie like he did before.
Appearance of Finn: Finn is a somewhat taller boy. He is sporty but not necessarily. We are open to possibilities! Finn has a fair amount of dialogue in the film.
IMPORTANT DETAIL: Finn shaves his head in the film. Actor must be willing to do this.
età scenica:45 - 55
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
Finn's father is briefly discussed at the beginning of the film. They are concerned about their son Finn. The role of the father has some dialogue where he talks to Finn about his situation.
External characteristics of the father: the external characteristics of the father are very free. He is middle aged.
età scenica:45 - 55
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
The role of the mother is almost the same as that of the father. She also appears in the beginning of the film and also has some dialogue where she talks to Finn about his situation.
Mother's external characteristics: the mother's external characteristics are very free. She is middle aged.
età scenica:18 - 20
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
In the film, Finn starts to see his own personality. So the role of Seba is actually Finn, but a different person.
Appearance: He has some Finn traits, but is very different at the same time. In the film they build a bond. Seba has a fair amount of dialogue in the film.
età scenica:35 - 70
lingue dei ruoli: Dutch
In the closing phase of the film there is a short scene with a doctor. In this scene, the doctor tells Finn that he did well. It is a short scene in which some dialogue is told.
The appearance of the doctor is completely free. Man, woman or age. We are open to many options here.