NETHERLANDS: actors (m) 50-55, Dutch spkrs, for Film Academy short in Amersfoort [NP]

ref # 202643

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: non retribuito

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Amersfoort, Paesi Bassi

il progetto

For a short film about a father and son. The production is an application film for the Netherlands Film Academy, but the crew also consists partly of people who are already studying here.

Synopsis: This film focuses on how father and son deal with the bad situation their wife and mother are in. The bond between the two men is quite awkward. Prior to this misery, they never showed each other in a direct way that they are there for each other or love each other. This always went through the mother as a kind of conduit. Now that mother is not there, they have to rely on each other to show this anyway. They are clearly not familiar with this.

Shooting on 25and 26 February 2023.

This is a no budget project but we will take care of catering, and you will be able to use the material for your showreel.

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | maschio
età scenica:50 - 55
lingue dei ruoli: Olandese
etnie di ruolo: Bianco
ROLE: Father
m, 50-55 preference brown hair (because of already cast 'son), white skin color (because of already cast 'son')

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