What is my profile like?

This article is all about checking your profile and help in making sure it’s good.

Once you have completed your profile with as much information as possible, you will probably want to know how it looks, how it compares to other profiles and – most importantly – how professional it is for when Casting Directors and other industry professionals view it.

Firstly, you want to check it over yourself to make sure it’s as complete as possible and looks good to you.

Then, go to your profile and click on AutoCheck (in the top bar). This runs a quick automatic check which looks at basic elements of the profile. There may be one or two recommendations there for you to change.

Finally, if you are a Pro Actor, you can ask for a Profile Audit – this is where a member of our team will go through your profile step-by-step and make sure it’s as brilliant as it can be.

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