ENGLAND: actors (m/f) 28-43, English spkrs, for short film in Manchester [E]

ref # 175334

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: spese

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Manchester, Inghilterra

il progetto

For a student Master Final Project, The short film is going to be a drama/comedy which explores relationship within a few generations of women in one family. As references it could be “Little miss sunshine”, “Lady Bird” and “August: Osage County”.

Roles are unpaid, however all expenses will be covered.

Filming will take around 1-3 days, depending on the role and will be in between 1 – 10 of August in Manchester. 

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | maschio
età scenica:28 - 35
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
m, 28-35, ideally based in or around Manchester
Sam is a young and successful manager
ruolo 2 | attori | femmina
età scenica:35 - 43
lingue dei ruoli: Inglese
f, 35-43, ideally based in or around Manchester
Radhika is a bright and strong woman and a caring mother

f, 35-43, with an Indian background, ideally based in or around Manchester
Uma is a smart and restrained woman who moved form India to the UK aged 10.

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