DEUTSCHLAND: Schauspielerin (w) 23-27 Deutsch /English Sprecher, für Kurzfilm in Leipzig [E]

ref # 190591

data di chiusura: Questo casting è chiuso

project title: "stop over"
tipo di produzione: short film
pagamento: spese

cercano: actors
con sede in/intorno: Leipzig, Germania

il progetto

Based on a true story this tale shows how vulnerable and under- privileged many humans are. A Syrian and a Serbian, two young women, meet under extreme circumstances at the border. While the Serbian is not allowed to enter the EU, the Syrian is trying to flee through the Balkan route.

Stop Over is an application to a renowned film school and can be shown in an exhibition in Leipzig and hopefully tour some short film festivals.

Shooting: 5 to 7 days between 10.12- 20.12.2022

No Budget: but travel costs, food, and accommodation 

Cercano di ricoprire i seguenti ruoli:
ruolo 1 | attori | femmina
età scenica:23 - 27
lingue dei ruoli: Tedesco
DINA is a Syrian refugee on the run, she is witty and does not take no for an answer.

Sensitive and courageous as well as naive this is why she travels along the Balkan routes all by herself not considering the dangers that might occur under such circumstances.

You do not have to be Syrian nor Arabic but you need to pass for Mediterranean.

Must also speak some English.

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