Submitting to Multiple Roles on a Casting Call

Sometimes a casting notice will have several roles available.

As an actor, please note that you can only submit to 1 role per casting notice.

However, this is not a problem because when you submit to 1 role, the casting director (CD) will see your submission and know that if you are suitable, they can use you or consider you for other roles.

In other words, CDs are aware that when you submit to 1 role, you are also available to other roles. This is pretty standard practice in the industry: the CDs will go through the submissions and immediately see whether an actor is suitable for one role or another; they are pretty open minded here and will often move your submission from one role to another.

Why is this?

It’s a simple matter of logistics. If every actor submitted to every suitable role on a single casting, they might end up sending 3 or 4 submissions to the CD and overwhelming them with emails. 

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