CZECHIA: actors & voice actors (m/f) 16-75 English spkrs, for short film in Písek [E]

ref # 163578

closing date: This casting is now closed

project title: English-Language Student Film
production type: short film
pay: expenses

looking for: /
based in/around: Písek, Tchéquie

about the project

We are looking for several English-speaking actors for a student film shooting May 4nd to 8th in Písek for the Film Academy of Miroslav Ondricek.

Synopsis: Adrian is a businessman who would rather go fishing than deal with his troubles at home and at work. One day he meets a talking fish and goes on a drug-fueled bender of spiritual self-discovery, finally getting his priorities straight.

Looking to fill the following roles:
role 1 | actors | male
playing age: 45 - 75
role languages: Anglais Américain/Anglais
Jefe - playing 50+, strong build (1-2 filming days)
role 2 | voice talents | m/f
playing age: 16 - 75
role languages: Anglais Américain/Anglais
Actor needed to voice and operate a hand-puppeted fish character. No professional training required. (3 days of filming)

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