Your Personal Actor Profile

Do Film Directors know you yet?

Film directors and casting directors are always on the look out for good, professional, actors.

So if you want to find work as an actor, they need to know your name.

Create a profile on enCAST and show everyone in the business exactly who you are.

A Pro Actor Profile with us includes up to 15 headshots and images, up to 15 different showreels, all your film and acting credits, up to 15 language reels, your full bio and details… and much more!

Over 40,000 actors in Europe already have a profile with us… don’t get left behind!

To make your own Actor Profile on enCAST:

  1. Click here to join enCAST for free and make a basic profile
  2. Click here to subscribe and create your own stylish Pro Actor profile which you can use to showcase yourself with directors and casting directors across Europe