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GERMANY: actors (m/f), 20-40, German spkrs, for documentary in Odenwald [E]

ref # 128677

this casting is now closed
production type: documentary
pay: expenses
for actors in/around: Odenwald, Γερμανία
all about the production

For a documentary about 6 historical murders from 5 centuries. One is the murder of the Jewish miller Gerson Herz (1892). His former maid Christine and her brother Johann planned to knock him down on the way home, take his keys and steal his cash register. But there was a bloody three-way battle until Gerson was dead. First, Gerson’s wife Emma and his accountant, who were having an affair, were arrested. Witnesses who had seen Christine and Johann at the crime scene reported later. Johann hanged himself, but Christine was arrested and sentenced. Likewise, Johann’s wife Margarethe because of complicity.

The film is shot in the Odenwald.

Unfortunately, as a student film no fee can be paid but travel expenses can be covered.

looking to fill the following roles


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